Oh my god is this the real reason Why affirmation don’t work

Affirmation is the most powerful and one of the easiest technique to boost self-confidence. The big question is if it is easy to use then why it doesn’t work for everyone. Here in this article I will share you the exact reason why affirmation don’t work for everyone and give you the permanent solution for it. So let’s get started.

1. Low self confidence

why affirmation don't work

You will not get for what you want rather you will get for what you are. If you have a lower self-confidence and then you are affirming to yourself that you will achieve anything or you are the best then definitely it is not going to work for you.

Law of attraction principle suggest that like attract like and if you are feeling low self-confidence then you kept on feeling low until you decide to change yourself.

You have to raise your self-confidence first then only affirmation is going to work for you.

2. Don’t force it.

why affirmation don't work

When you try to affirm and if you are feeling low then you are going against the negative force which you are feeling right now. Then it is pretty natural that you feel like that affirmation is not working and you get frustrated and give up. You have to remember that if you still continue to feel negative then your affirmation is not going to work.

3. Be in that desired state.

why affirmation don't work

If you successfully do positive affirmation but unable to maintain that desired state then also your affirmation is going to fail. It is because of your old subconscious negative wiring pattern in your brain. As you stop being in your desired state the old subconscious wiring start working. So you have to be in much desired state as you can to do the affirmation correctly.

4. Don’t allow negativity

why affirmation don't work

Suppose you do an affirmation in the morning after that you go to your work where you sit with yours staff and having a negative conversation then all the positive affirmation you have done in the morning will go waste. You have to maintain that positive vibe all day. Otherwise what happened these negative thoughts will take over your mind and then you will feel difficult to do positive affirmation.

I hope you like the article on why affirmation don’t work. If you like the article please share it and feel free to ask any question.

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