How to concentrate on study: 22 magical way

Now the competition has become taugh. Every students want to concentrate on their study so that they can get good number and secured their future but concentrating on the study is not an easy task specially in today’s world where their all lots of distraction  So here in this article I will tell you how to concentrate on study. I assure if you try this tip you will get the permanent solution. So lets get started.

1. Make a  goal

how to concentrate on study
how to concentrate on study

Making a goal will definetly help in concentrating on study. This is universal fact not only in study you can apply this in any area. For example:-

What you want to accomplish through your study.

What you can learn from your study.

2. Remove distraction

I know this is a very hard task to do specially in today’s world where there is lots of distraction around us like mobile, television. Firstly The best way to avoid distraction is You should switch off the phone while studying otherwise the notification will distract you from your study.

Secondly if you face difficulty to switch off the phone and tempted to see the notification then there is one app which I will suggest is forest what this app will do it will set up a timer for you until the time complete you can get into the applications of phone.

3. Create a piece environment

how to concentrate on study

You all have notice that focusing on studying in noisy environment is not possible. Try to find a piece full place for your study this really work.

  • You can go to park.
  • Going to library is the best option.

4. Waking up in the morning

Waking up in the morning is the best way to concentrate on study because there is less distraction at that time. I know it difficult to wake up in the morning but once you make it a habit it become easier.

5. Use pomodoro technique

This technique is used to divide the long term study into short term study because focusing on study for long time seems to be daunting for you. Select a 30-40 minute of timer and then work until the bell ring then take 2-5 minute break then again do the same process it will keep your focus up.

6. Exercise

how to concentrate on study

Various studies so that having regular exercise will keep you focus and alert because it increase the blood flow in the mind

7. Enjoy the study 

If you are taking study as a serious thing then you are not doing any good to you. Treat study as a game try to solve the problem.

8. Reward yourself

Reward yourself is also well known technique to concentrate on study when you accomplish any study task it will keep you going in your study.

Research shown that when you reward yourself when on accomplishing something your mind releases a special chemical called dopamine. This chemical is responsible for happiness.

For example- When you cross a level in the game it will give you satisfaction and push forward to play more it is because of dopamine. So take maximum benefit of it.

9. Try to understand the topic

Whenever you study don’t just try to be copy cat try to understand the topic it will increase your interest in the study and automatically increase focus.

10. Take a break

  Taking a short break after studying will make you refresh it keep   your brain keep going well and your focus improve.

11. Take proper sleep

Various research have shown that taking proper sleep will   enhance productivity. Whereas lack of sleep will down the productivity. So you should have 7-8 hour of sleep.

12. Nap

Don’t be a machine Taking a 5 min nap during study will also increase focus and productivity in your study.

13. Coffee

Taking coffee during study will keep you alert. But don’t make it a habit you should use coffee only when you feel tired.

14. Use your camera to record your study

I know this sound strange but this really work. Set up camera or webcam to record your study. Knowing that you are being watched will remined you of your objective.

Just when you are about to distracted it will remind you that everything you are doing is being recorded.

It’s useful reminder to yourself that you are fully committed to your study.

15. Keep measuring the task that have been completed

This is important because of two reason first is when you measure the task that have been completed it allow you to monitor whether you have meet all the objective made in your plan if not you can do the improvement in that.

Second when you measure that you have done your task on a given time then you will that you are making progress and it will increase positivity.

16.  Don’t try to study on bed

Don’t do any productive thing on the bed because you won’t be able to study in that place which is for relaxing and sleeping. I also get lazy whenever I do work from bed So always try to study on table and chair.

17. Put the only material related to the current task

Whenever I found more thing on my desk then I needed for the current task I can’t get relaxed but when I remove all the unnecessary things from my desk I get relaxed and get focused on my work.

18. Tell your family your study schedule for the day.

Telling your family about your study schedule is great way to be focused on your study this will remind your family member when they should’nt disturb you.

There is another great benefit of it making a pre commitment to your family about your study will keep you stick to your study.

19. Keep the phone in another room

I know it seem to very simple technique it is very effective I personally use this technique whenever I get to work I put all my device to another room the reason behind  because when you feel like checking your phone you probably won’t do it because require a effort to walk to the other room.

20. Never keep your work for the last time

Keeping your study pending for one day before exam will disturb your mind so you should complete your study before exam.

21. Keep your body posture good

Keep your body posture right during study will help in productivity. Deposturing of body will also effect your body that automatically  decrease your focus from study.

22. Don’t prefer late night study

Some student prefer late night study but that not good for health for example many student prefer late night study one day before their exam that not good because when you attend exam you feel sleepy and automatically effect your exam results. So better avoid late night exam.

I hope I have all point related to this topic. please share, if you like it and feel free to ask any question.

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