Difference between successful and unsuccessful person: The key difference

Who don’t want to be successful Nobody right? But why only few get successful and other get unsuccessful have you ever thinked about that? So here in this article I will share you the difference between successful and unsuccessful person. So let’s get started.

1. Responsibility

This is a something we never observe. Where successful person take all there responsibility for success or failure whereas unsuccessful person blame others or situation for there failure.

This is also the reason that unsuccessful person are blocking there growth.

2. Pleasure

Successful person never go for temporary pleasure they always go with permanent pleasure like going after their goal whereas unsuccessful person go with temporary pleasure like watching tv, hang out with friends.

Specially unsuccessful people tend to hide there failure through short term pleasure.

3. Luck or hard work

Successful people always believe in hard work they never believe In luck whereas average people Believe in luck. They think that luck is very important to get success.

4. Action

Victorious people never wish something to happened they take action and make it happen. Whereas average people only wish it could happen. They never take action, make excuses  for not taking action.

5. Believe

People who got success always believe in themselves they whatever they do they will get success. Whereas on the other hand unsuccessful person have lack of believe in themselves because of that they quit easily.

6. Utility of time

This make the difference where a successful person use there time wisely whereas an average person waste his time.

7. Fixed mindset vs growth mindset

A top most successful person always have a growth mindset where they create a possibility of growth whereas average person always have fixed mindset where they give a fix tag to something it is like that it is fix.

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